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Is Friend Adder Marketings Biggest Player Facebook

It has fifty million active members and is adding two hundred thousand new ones a day. Over five thousand applications have been created for it just since May of 2007. After an epic battle with Google and Yahoo!, Microsoft won the right to pour two hundred and forty million into it, bringing its total value up to fifteen billion. What is it? It's Facebook, the hugest potential opportunity for internet marketers who need to keep up to speed with Web 2.0 / Web 3.

0 and the semantic web explosion. Facebook's one-of-a-kind social network is seen as the vanguard of entirely new operating systems that, unlike Windows, exist only on the internet rather than on your computer. It's an online community that a fresh, new mass of internet users, just discovering this innovative virtual environment, is flocking to in droves just to find new friends to Poke - and, in the process, creating a whole new dynamic marketing base. A big draw to the site is all the free Facebook tools and applications that users can use to either interact with their Facebook network or just use to display their own personal preferences.

You can have a zombie fight, share your favorite music, challenge a friend to a virtual race with a virtual car, exchange quizzes, or just throw a sheep to get someone's attention. No wonder the Facebook phenomenon keeps growing and growing. Users bring in friends, and they bring in friends, and pretty soon everyone who's anyone is part of this massive, fun online community. After three and a half years in relative obscurity, with a membership largely limited to university students and recent alumni, Facebook is suddenly the "in spot" for the hottest internet content. This is largely due to Facebook's innovative invitation to outside developers to provide their tools and applications to the site.

This constant stream of new fun activities causes users already on Facebook to invite more and more of their friends, relatives, workmates or just casual acquaintances to register and become part of the flourishing community. Suddenly, after being open for business over three and a half years, Facebook is a force to be reckoned with - and a big ticket item. How does the smaller internet marketer compete with the resources of a Microsoft in getting a piece of the Facebook action is the big question, however.

Fortunately, there's an answer that works That answer is Facebook marketing software like Stealth Friend Bomber, Facebook Edition. By using this Facebook bot, the online marketer can access the tens of millions of available users by automatically sending Mass Messages, Mass Friend Requests and Mass "Pokes" without you having to lift another finger. Stealth Friend Bomber (Facebook Edition) is a Facebook Friend Adder that works - and keeps you up-to-date with the latest advances in internet marketing in a Web 3.0 world. Web 3.

0 sites like Facebook are the future of the internet - so the future of internet marketing also lies in Facebook. Stealth Friend Bomber (Facebook Edition) can make you and your business a part of the action.

Stop delaying, get your hands on the only Facebook Friend Adder on the market! Sky-rocket your cash flow and marketing results with ease with this premier all-purpose Facebook Bot. Join the Web 3.0 semantic web revolution.

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