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Traffic Making Or Breaking Your Site

One thing that constantly bugs me about many of the products that get released is that they don't tell you how to bring traffic to your site. You get a large e-book that tells you how to build an amazing site but not one chapter on traffic generation It really doesn't matter how good the product is with out traffic and good quality traffic there is no point in building it. "if you build it they will come" doesn't apply to web sites.

The most important thing when starting out is not books on building sites or exotic site building programs it's learning how to get the traffic to your site. The best looking site in the world means nothing without human visitors. If you can't attract the website spiders and then organic traffic you will be left with a site of no value to you.

Have a look at the forums where people buy and sell website and each thread will have 2 questions. How much does the site earn and how much traffic does it have. On a personal not i prefer traffic over income as I know I can turn traffic into income easier than generate new traffic. If you concentrate on learning how to generate traffic to your sites you'll be able to launch sites in the certain knowledge of being able to make them profitable. I run a membership site and was creating some traffic videos only yesterday. I tried something I'd never done before and discovered that it got my site indexed in Google in 18 hours.

This was something I hadn't even considered using before. Saying I was impressed was would be a bit of an understatement. But imagine my shock when I tried it on a new site this morning and had reference to my site showing up in Google 3 hours later. The method I used has not been mentioned in any of the traffic generation products I've read. However this is not too surprising as traffic generation is constantly evolving. Google change their algorithms and sites fall out of favor or become favored.

It was only a few months ago that Squidoo was the best place to start your link building. Now it's fallen out of favor. I constantly monitor Google to see which sites are ranking well. I find an Internet marketing product and search for it in Google's index. I'll then take note of what sites are showing links and test them for myself.

The reason I choose Internet marketing niches is that Internet marketers are usually at the forefront of any developments in ranking strategies. By choosing keywords wisely and using all the sites you have identified you can quickly start to dominate a niche. For a recent product launch I had 5 of the top 10 positions in Google for the product name that was launched.

Needless to say I generated quite a few sales from Google traffic without having to resort to PPC.

If you want to know more please visit The Income Academy or visit The Income Academy Blog

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